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Walking in the Truth – POSTURE Episode 148

Jan 25, 2021

[3 John 4]
I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.
Walking in the truth is not a destination…it’s a walk.


Today, we are going to take a “Posture of Peace” by walking in the truth and delighting in that.

Posture is a short, audible fist bump to remind you God is with you in everything. Together, we’re going to be emboldened to take a daily Posture of perfect peace.

3 John verse four says, “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.” Now this was written by John to someone named Gaius. Gaius was most likely a church leader. And these children that John is writing about are most likely the people that they are leading, mentoring, teaching. But what stood out to me is I believe John’s delight about his children walking in the truth, reflects the heart of God towards us. Father God delights in our walking in the truth, in our discovering and embracing our kingdom identities, and walking in the truth is a practice. It’s a process. It’s a lifestyle. It’s continual.

My point, it’s not a destination. It’s a walk. You know, I think about this delight, this great joy, in the context of my own delight, does my delight in this walk match my Father’s delight? Maybe you can relate, but you know, I can be tempted to be discouraged because my focus often becomes all about getting through something like whether it’s a difficult circumstance or a learning process or a Bible reading plan. It’s like, I just wanna finish. I wanna arrive. I wanna be done and check it off my list and achieve something and master something. And when that process is delayed or just goes slower than I want it to go, I can feel deflated. I can be tempted to be discouraged and disappointed and I can start to feel stuck and believe the lie that I’m stuck, instead of the truth that I’m actually moving forward. You know, maybe you’re in a difficult situation right now. And you’re like, I just wanna overcome this, which is a healthy desire, but overcoming doesn’t start at the end of the situation. It starts now. Because your identity as an overcomer is rooted in your identity in Christ.

His fullness is your starting point, not your finish line. You can walk in the truth as you walk through this hard situation, every step of the way. The truth is not true once you’ve made it through something, the truth is true now. And the truth is you’re an overcomer. And today, you’re overcoming. Walk in that truth, live in it, and be delighted as you walk in the truth today.