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Jesus is Your Way with Guest Host Jennifer Miller – POSTURE Episode 166

Mar 22, 2021

I’m so excited to share with you this special episode by guest host Jennifer Miller from Prosper Always (​) .

In this episode, Jennifer shares the amazing truth that fullness of life is available to you TODAY by living in Jesus.

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Hi, I’m your guest host Jennifer Miller from Prosper Always. And today, we are going to take a “Posture of Peace” by discovering Jesus as our way to fullness of life.

Lindsay: Hey everyone, we have a guest host today. I am so excited to introduce you to my fellow kingdom messenger Jennifer Miller. Together, we’re gonna be emboldened to take a daily Posture of perfect peace.

In John 14:1-6, Jesus says, “Do not let your heart be troubled. Believe in God. Believe also in Me. In my Father’s house are many mansions. If it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to myself. That where I am, there you may be also. And where I go you know and the way you know.” Now, Thomas said to Him, “Lord, we do not know where you’re going. So how do we know the way?” And Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

Maybe, like me, you’ve heard these verses before and have assurance with them that it’s salvation and our future eternity in heaven. Now, once we accept Jesus as our savior we put this verse on a shelf to use in the future. While these verses bring hope to our salvation and eternity through Jesus, they also hold the key to daily living in fullness of life. Jesus said that He has prepared a place for us, a spiritual mansion, so to speak, filled with everything that we will ever need, called “fullness of life”. Now this includes health, provision, freedom, joy, and perfect peace. So by believing, we walk through the door of Jesus to be with Him for forever. Now, did you hear that? We already entered the door through Jesus. Today, we are already standing on the inside of fullness of life.

When I was in high school, I lived near Newport Rhode Island. Okay, Newport is famous for its mansions where the wealthy would vacation by the ocean. I loved to take tours of these mansions and explore their different decor and their different rooms. The tour guide would show us around, but he would also point out the different details that we might’ve overlooked and provide history and information about the family and their mansions. Through Jesus, we have access to everything that we will ever need in life because we already reside on the inside of our spiritual mansion. Our fullness of life in Jesus. Our part is to walk inside, enjoy fellowship with God, and explore this fullness of inheritance through Jesus. But we are not left to wander alone.

You see, Jesus has also given us the gifts of the Holy Spirit, who acts as our spiritual tour guide, leading us into all truth and deeper understanding of our identity as a child of God. When we worry or act out in our old sin behavior, it’s like returning to the door of our mansion. We turn around and face it, but we’re still on the inside. It’s just that our focus has shifted away from the abundance of our fullness in Jesus to our own personal struggles. Through repentance, we turn around, putting the door back behind us and focus on Jesus and the fullness in Him. Now, since we’re already on the inside of the door of salvation, when we act out of our old nature, our repentance looks different. You see, we’re no longer repenting from our old identity. We’re repenting towards who we are becoming in Jesus. Okay, for example, instead of repenting for acting out of fear or unbelief, we just ask God to forgive us for not living in Jesus’s peace, for not having Jesus’s faith, for not living in Jesus’s freedom. And we ask the Holy Spirit to help us live in Jesus’s fullness.

Now, maybe this seems too good to be true and living each day in Jesus’ fullness of life seems impossible. Believe me, I know. I’ve had those days when life just feels overwhelming and I’ve lost my focus on Jesus’s peace. Well, Ephesians 3:19-20 says, “May you know the love of Christ, which passes knowledge. And may you be filled with the fullness of God. Now, to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.” Okay, living in the fullness of Jesus is not a place of arriving or a place of striving for perfection. It is a daily journey and partnership with the Holy Spirit who is ready and willing to empower us with God’s grace. To live each day, more like Jesus. Today, I wanna encourage you that in every difficult situation that you face, Jesus is your way. He’s your way to peace, freedom, healing, joy, and fullness of life. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you and empower you with God’s grace to live daily in the fullness of Jesus.