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Agreeing with Promises – POSTURE Episode 147

Jan 22, 2021

For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God. [2 Corinthians 1:20​]


Today, we are going to take a “Posture of Peace” by agreeing with what God has promised.

Posture is a short audible fist bump to remind you God is with you in everything. Together, we’re going to be emboldened to take a daily Posture of perfect peace.

In 2 Corinthians 1:20-22, it says, “For no matter how many promises, God has made.” And by the way, God has made a lot of promises. So this is very exciting. It says, for no matter how many promises, God has made. They are yes in Christ. And so through him, the amen is spoken by us to the glory of God. Now it is God who makes both us and you, stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, set His seal of ownership on us, and put His spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come. You know, the world navigates their lives through problems. But as kingdom people, you and I, get to navigate our lives through promises.

There’s this popular saying, at least it’s popular where I live in the Southern United States. You gotta make do with what you have. Okay. Well, what you and I have is a guarantee. And did you notice the roles and responsibilities in this promise process? Father God makes the promises. Jesus makes it so, and the Holy Spirit guarantees it. So what is our role, what is our responsibility in all of this? Well, it says here, the amen is spoken by us. Agreement. We have the awesome role of agreeing with what God has promised. And if you’ve had a bad day, a bad month, a bad year, and what’s happening in your life or what’s happening in the world is causing you to not believe that you have what it takes to live in agreement with what God has promised, I’ve got good news for you. Because it says, “And through Him, Christ, the amen is spoken by us.” We have been empowered by Christ to live in agreement with what God has promised. So we have been set up for total success in this process.

Now, can I tell on myself for a second? I used to be very quick to agree with the problem not the promise. I could point out the problem, tell you all about the problem, dissect the problem. And I called it discernment, I called it wisdom, I called it being a realist, but really what I was, was just a Christian living with a worldly mindset. And it was exhausting. But my mind has been changed since then. Which is what repentance is. I think differently now, therefore I live differently. I now think with the mind of Christ. 1 Corinthians 2:16. My mind has been set on kingdom realities not on worldly distractions, Colossians 3:2. Meaning, I see the world through a kingdom lens. Not with a worldly mindset. And I have been transformed by this, by this renewing of my mind, Romans 12:2. And the good news is that this kind of transformation, this lifestyle, is readily available for you too.

I still see problems, you will still see problems. But now, I also see kingdom possibilities for those problems. You and I have been called, empowered, to live in possibility. If you are in Christ, so are your circumstances. So are your problems. Every circumstance, every problem you will ever face, it has God’s provision attached to it. We have precious promises. Now maybe like me, right now you’re well acquainted with the problems of this world.

So I wanna ask you, do you know what you have been promised? What about conditional promises? Are these promises conditional? Yes. And Jesus has met the conditions. And we are in Jesus. So we get to rest in His perfection. In His perfect performance, in His finished work. Matthew 11:28. Here is a very freeing question to ask yourself today. What am I agreeing with? If it’s a promise, awesome. If it’s a problem, change your mind. Pick up the Word and ask the Holy Spirit, who is your helper, to lead you in the truth by highlighting a promise that you can start agreeing with. And just for fun, if you’re watching this right now, I would love for you to share in the comment section, what promise you are agreeing with today.