Doing Things Differently – POSTURE Episode 101
Hello Season 3! We're doing things a little differently. Posture is never going to be a monument to my hustle. Posture will always be produced in peace. Transcript Welcome back, it is Season 3, and today we are going to take a "Posture of...
The Joy of Relational Learning – POSTURE Episode 100
Your transformation into the image of God is His passion and His absolute delight. So the question is: Is your process of development as delightful for you as it is for God? Join our next challenge: Transcript Today,...
It’s Actually OK to Be Naive – POSTURE Episode 099
OK, so today I’m sharing a clip from a real life mentoring moment. Every month, my friend and mentor, Graham Cooke, and I lead online challenges on Facebook (it’s like a 3 day live study on topics we love exploring and sharing). Back in May, during one of our...
Put Joy in Its Proper Place – POSTURE Episode 098
Many times I have said, "I will be glad when this is over!" But, I've read John 15 with fresh eyes and I realized that I don't have to wait until the end of a task, day, circumstance or season to have joy. Joy isn't a finish line, it's your starting point! Transcript...
How to ‘Rejoice Always’ (When You Don’t Always Want to Rejoice) – POSTURE Episode 097
My excuses for not "rejoicing always" haven’t just been circumstantial. I used to let my natural personality dictate my worship by saying things like, “Oh, I’m an introvert,” or “I’m not really an emotional person." But, worship is designed to take you out of this...
There’s No Toxic Positivity in the Kingdom – POSTURE Episode 096
There’s no such thing as "toxic positivity" in the Kingdom of God, there is only the joy of the Lord. And it’s a joy that strengthens us, not poisons us. Transcript Today, we are going to take a "Posture of Peace" by embracing this truth....
This is Real Breakthrough – POSTURE Episode 095
I used to think rescue was breakthrough. I used to think rescue and relief would be the things to transform me, instead of relying on the transformative relationship I have with God. And through the lens of these wrong beliefs, I viewed...
Keep First Love First – POSTURE Episode 094
We live in a world that believes the self-achievement of performance is the real source of power. That's why "self-empowerment" is such a popular topic. But we are people of the Kingdom who know the truth and it has set us free! The truth...
The Power of Being Delighted – POSTURE Episode 093
We stay in the Secret Place through a lifestyle of total delight, wonder and astonishment in God. Transcript Today, we are going to take a “Posture of Peace” by being delighted. Posture is a short, audible fist bump to remind you, God is...