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Looking for God – POSTURE Episode 110

There is peace and goodness for you today. There is an abundance of joy, love and hope for you today — no matter what circumstance you may be facing! Because circumstances are not your source of any for those things. Transcript Today, we...

The Ultimate Permission – POSTURE Episode 109

We've been given the ultimate permission: "So you also must consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus." [Romans 6:11] Transcript Today, we are going to take a "Posture of Peace" by being dead to sin and alive to God....

A Crafted Prayer for Battle – POSTURE Episode 108

In this episode, I share a prayer I crafted for battle. Mentioned in this episode: Episode 48 "Praying Prayers that Get Answered" Transcript Today, we are going to take a "Posture of Peace" by declaring victory over our battles. Posture is...

Don’t Partner with Fear – POSTURE Episode 107

I made it 106 episodes without ranting about church signs. But the time has come. Transcript Today, we are going to take a "Posture of Peace" by not partnering with fear to prove our point. Posture is a short, audible fist bump to remind...

Seeing with Kingdom Eyes – POSTURE Episode 106

But we do not belong to those who shrink back and are destroyed, but to those who have faith and are saved. [Hebrews 10:39] Transcript Today, we are going to take a "Posture of Peace" by seeing with our Kingdom Eyes. Posture is a short,...

This is Worth Remembering – POSTURE Episode 105

When my peace seems gone, I have been tempted to believe that God has forgotten me. However, that's when I have actually forgotten God. Transcript Today, we are going to take a "Posture of Peace" by remembering God. Posture is a short,...

What Are You Hoping For? – POSTURE Episode 104

If I’m not aware, I set my hope merely on outcomes.In crisis, I hope for change. In good times, I hope things never change.But scripture speaks to the freedom and wholeness that comes when we set our hope on God Himself. Transcript Today,...

God of All Comfort – POSTURE Episode 102

2020 has been an uncomfortable year. But it has not been a year without comfort. Transcript Today, we are going to take a “Posture of Peace” by leaning on the God of all comfort. Posture is a short, audible fist bump to remind you, God is...