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You Don’t Need a Miracle – POSTURE Episode 185

I used to believe the ultimate thing I could receive from God was a miracle. But He gave me something so much greater — Himself! Key scriptures in this episode: 📕 John 6: 28-35📕 Romans 12: 2📕 Romans 15: 13 Transcript Today, we are going to take a Posture of peace by...

Let God Love You (Romans 8) – POSTURE Episode 183

In Christ, there is no condemnation and no separation. I know this truth, but I’m currently practicing living this truth. In this episode I share a personal story of how subtle condemnations can keep us running on the wheel of good works instead of living in the...

The Astonishing Truth About God! – POSTURE Episode 182

When you are overwhelmed by who God is, you cannot be overwhelmed by anything else. God lives in victory. And God lives in us. And we live in God. So we live in victory in every circumstance! Nothing is too hard for Jesus, so nothing is too hard for you. Key...

Praying with God – POSTURE Episode 180

Do you ever lack confidence in your prayers? I have good news! You have a divine prayer team. The Bible says that Jesus and the Holy Spirit pray for you. Ever wonder what they are praying? Your prayers don’t have to be a shot in the dark. As a new creation in...