There is peace and goodness for you today. There is an abundance of joy, love and hope for you today — no matter what circumstance you may be facing!
Because circumstances are not your source of any for those things.
Today, we are going to take a “Posture of Peace” by eagerly looking for God.
Posture is a short, audible fist bump to remind you, God is with you in everything. Together, we’re going to be emboldened to take a daily posture of perfect peace.
Psalm 27:13 and 14 says, “I would have lost heart unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait on or eagerly look for the Lord, be of good courage and He shall strengthen your heart. Wait, I say on the Lord.” You know often when I’m writing Posture episodes, my first question is, Lord, what do you want people to know? What do you want people to believe today? And here’s what I’m sensing from Him and from my own heart as well, this is my desire. Here’s what I want you to know and believe there is peace for you today, there is goodness for you today, there is an abundance of joy and love and hope for you today. No matter what circumstances you may be facing, because circumstances are not your source for any of those things.
There is this lie that I used to buy that says God is not logical. God is not very practical. He doesn’t often make sense. His ways are confusing. And that lie is so easy to buy when you try to connect with God with a worldly mindset, because God’s ways do not make sense to this world. And if you buy that lie long enough, it really grows into discouragement and that discouragement breeds pure unbelief. Because living with a worldly mindset will blind you to your kingdom reality.
If we place a higher value on the ways of this world, the logic of this world, if we live only by what we see here in the natural world, then we will carry a very low expectation of who our God is and who we are, what He is able to do, and who we are able to become, for example, a people healed whole, well and strong. If we embrace the wisdom of this world and merely attach our theology to it, instead of firmly attaching our experience in this world to the wisdom of God, we will make ourselves susceptible to deceit, doubt and double mindedness. If we allow our experiences with the world, to be what shapes our perspective, our mindset, our lifestyle, instead of entrusting our encounters with God to make us into His image, enlighten us, we will be so easily intimidated, so easily discouraged, and we will live constantly under pressure instead of in perfect peace.
Here’s the beauty, here’s the good news that I wanna share with you today. You don’t have to live discouraged, not today, not ever, not in the middle of pain, not in the middle of weakness, not in the middle of battles, because our God is mighty to save and His salvation is not proved by a certain outcome in our circumstances. It is proved by His presence. He gave us Himself, He is with you today, He is with you in 2020 and your response to His presence matters.
Do you believe that you will see His goodness today? Are you eagerly looking for God? That Posture, that expectation it will make all the difference. Remember, God is unchanging. We don’t change God by believing Him, He’s already good, He’s already faithful, He’s already kind, it’s believing Him, believing His Word to be true that transforms us. God doesn’t show up from some distant place because we start to eagerly look for Him, He’s already there. He’s never leaving us. He’s never forsaking us. It’s that we see Him, when we look for Him. Don’t lose heart today. Be expectant, be eager, you will see His goodness.
The promise of “Perfect Peace” is found in Isaiah 26:3. In Hebrew, it is “shalom, shalom.” Meaning, complete wholeness. Nothing missing, nothing broken. This is who you are in Jesus. Because of Jesus, you are a living testimony of Jesus’s ultimate win. With every step you take today, you’re putting Jesus’s victory on display and satan’s defeat on replay.